
Ramadan Ads: Leverage Storytelling on Twitter

Ramadan Ads: Leverage Storytelling on Twitter

Ramadan presents an opportunity to connect with new audiences. With 133 million Tweets*** globally, it’s clear that Ramadan is happening on Twitter.

Ramadan Ads: Leverage Storytelling on Twitter

Plug in when conversations peak

Starting a month before the events begin, conversations revolve around family, fasting, and prayer. However, towards the end of the month topics shift to homecoming (mudik) and celebration.

Ramadan Ads: Leverage Storytelling on Twitter

Digital communication and social media connections are still highly important during Ramadan in Indonesia. Many people prefer to stay in touch online in comparison to calling their family and friends at this time of the year.

Thus Twitter remains a great opportunity for brands to talk to their clients. A successful Twitter campaign is one in which brands tell a story, and following some of the below expert advice. 

Ramadan Ads: Leverage Storytelling on Twitter

Get the timing right

Before the sun rises at 4am, Tweet volumes begin to rise, reaching a peak during the breaking of fast between 7pm and 10pm. For marketers, this represents an opportunity to stay connected to their audience during crucial periods where they are the most active. Adding dayparting as another layer of campaign strategy will surely uplift the results. With more than 60% of Indonesian users planning for Ramadan shopping just one week in advance, offers and promotions should be timed towards such shopping patterns to maximize sales.

Have a dedicated mobile strategy

Ramadan is the time of the year where mobile first is paramount. In Indonesia, the mobile-first market has an estimated 71% mobile phone internet user penetration rate** in 2021. Users will spend more time on mobile than ever before, therefore a dedicated mobile communication strategy will not only add reach but will also help gain improved engagements. People are going to be on the move during these festival seasons. Mobile marketing gives you more layers of targeting and response tracking.

Focus on convenience

In many cases consumers prefer convenience over brand loyalty, with a huge spike in retail and e-commerce occurring each year during Ramadan, brands should be focusing on the users’ online shopping experience. Faster delivery time might encourage an increase in sales figures.

Target your competition

Dining with family and friends is another high-priority activity for most celebrating Ramadan. Targeting competition outlets, leveraging big data, and gathering audience insights on food consumption patterns is a beneficial digital investment. A smaller QSR brand targeting a big chain customer will spike sales.

Explore some examples of brands that leveraged Twitter to reach their audiences during Ramadan here.


Read the full Httpool White Paper and discover more about advertising during Ramadan.